RTS Big Band and Nenad Vasilic
The Belgrade audience will have an exclusive opportunity to attend the concert of Nenad Vasilic and the RTS Big Band, organized by the Belgrade Youth Center, the Belgrade Jazz Festival and the RTS Music Production on the occasion of World Jazz Day, April 30 at 8 pm in the DOB Great Hall.
Traditionally, the concert on the occasion of the World Jazz Day is an introduction to the upcoming, 38th Belgrade Jazz Festival, which will be held in the last week of October.
Tickets are on sale at the DOB box office at the price of 1000 RSD.
This concert is only the first in the series planned for this year, as part of the continuation of program-business cooperation between the RTS Music Production and Belgrade Youth Center. Joint cultural mission and high artistic and professional criteria in creating and performing programs, are the main points of reference in the future cooperationbetween these two institutions. For over 70 years, RTS Big Band has been a representative of top artistic achievements in jazz music, with the highest standards. Belgrade Youth Center, as an institution that has been organizing the Belgrade jazz festival, the oldest and internationally the most prestigious Serbian jazz festival, since 1971, is continuously working on promoting jazz music as an art form and supports the Serbian jazz scene. In the coming months RTS Big Band and Belgrade Youth Center will present to audience the exceptional programs in the performance of the most renowned domestic and foreign soloists and composers, who will perform as special guests to the RTS Big Band.