Aleksandra Paladin

Assistant executive director

Dr. Aleksandra Paladin, musicologist, media theorist

Aleksandra Paladin graduated in 1996 and earned a master's degree in 2006 at the Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. She received her doctorate in 2016 at the Department of Management and Production in Theater, Radio and Culture of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, on the following thesis: The Functional Role of Music and Music Production in the Preservation of National Culture.

Since 1996, she has been working as an editor for artistic music at the Radio Belgrade 1 (RTS), and has held the position of the Assistant of the RTS Music Production Executive Director since 1st January 2024.

Since 1998, she has been editing and conducting the program Encounters (Susretanja) of the Radio Belgrade 1, spanning a four-decade tradition of covering current domestic and worldwide music events. As the creator of the night program Music – Art or Medicine (Muzika – umetnost ili lek) of the Radio Belgrade 1, she also edited and hosted it (2013-2017). She produced Opera Panorama (Operska Panorama), a program exploring the world of opera music (1992-2002) ; she worked as the creator and author of the program Coloraturas and Creatures (Kolorature i kreature) (2002-2013). She was the music editor of many radio projects, more notably Tesla’s Planetary Assembly (Teslino planetarno poselo) (1999-2004) and Hilandar’s Planetary Vigil (Hilandarsko planetarno bdenje) (1999-2004). She also contributed to the music program Stereorama.

She was one of the authors, the editor and presenter of the concerts on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Radio Belgrade – The Turn of the Century (Iz veka u vek) – concerts in Sombor and Belgrade (2019); From us to you (Od nas za vas) – concerts in Čajetina, Belgrade and Sremska Mitrovica (2022); Celebrating 99 years of the Radio Belgrade (U susret 99 godina Radio Beograda) – concert in Zlatibor (2023).

As a screenwriter, music editor and host, some of the series she has produced for the needs of Television Serbia are: Belgrade in the musical events of the 20th century (Beograd u muzičkim zbivanjima 20. veka) (18 episodes, 1997-1999), The ABC of music (Azbuka muzike) (12 episodes, 1998-1999), Music of the ancient world (Muzika starog sveta) (2009-2010) and Serbian music through the ages (Srpska muzika kroz vekove) (43 episodes, 2017-2021).

For the music department of Television Serbia, she has worked on the following shows: Portrait of the RTS Children’s Choir (Portret Dečjeg hora RTS), a project realized on the occasion of marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of Radio Belgrade (1998), Requiem (Rekvijem-Opelo) (2002), and the Chronicle of the 36th BEMUS (Hronika 36. BEMUSA) (2006). She has participated in the realization of live broadcasting musical events for the needs of both the Radio and Television (live broadcast of the performance of Eugene Onegin from the National Theater in Belgrade (2002); the concert celebrating 60 years of artistic work of conductor Mladen Jagušt, Sava Centar, and Verdi’s Requiem (2004). She has been the music editor of many projects realized for the needs of Television Belgrade. She has also musically contributed to the show Metropolis of Television Belgrade (2005).

Since the school year 2017/2018, she has been teaching the following modules as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade: Creative Communications and Acting (subjects: Radio Production, Acting in front of a Microphone, History of Music, Applied Sound and Music, Audio Format Production, Music – Radio, Music – Television and Music Editing).

Her musicological research in the areas of Serbian music history, media and music pedagogy has been presented at various scientific seminars. She engages in interdisciplinary research in the domain of the application of music in medicine, and publicly presents her works on this topic. She has held numerous public lectures on topics related to music history, media theory, music pedagogy, digital arts and media.

She is one of the founders and the editor-in-chief of the magazine Classical Music (Muzika Klasika) (Agency Classical Music since 2010), as well as the artistic director of Classical Music Light festival (2010-2023). She is one of the founders of the annual Classical Music awards, which are given for the most notable efforts in the previous calendar year. (Agency Classical Music since 2011).

She is the author of the brochures Encounters – 30 years (RTS, 2011) and On the Trail of Music in Serbia – Festivals (Tragom muzike u Srbiji) (Tourist Organization of Serbia, 2012).

She is the co-author of the textbook for the subject of music for the upper grades of elementary school (several editions for Novi Logos from 2009 to 2023). She is the co-author of the teacher’s manual for the subject of music in upper grades of elementary school (several editions for Novi Logos from 2009 to 2024).

She is the author of the textbook for the subject of music for high schools of the humanities and social studies major (Novi Logos, several editions from 2014 to 2024), and the textbook for the subject of music for high schools of the natural sciences major (Novi Logos, several editions from 2017 to 2024).

She is the author of the manual for the textbook for the subject of music for high schools of the humanities and social studies major (Novi Logos, several editions from 2014 to 2024), and the manual for the textbook for the subject of music for high schools of the natural sciences major (Novi Logos, several editions from 2017 to 2024).

She is the co-author of digital textbooks for the subject of music for the upper grades of elementary schools (Novi Logos, several editions from 2018). She is the author of digital textbooks for the subject of music for high schools of the humanities and social studies major (Novi Logos, multiple editions from 2019), and the textbook for the subject of music for high schools of the natural sciences major (Novi Logos, several editions from 2019).

During the 1998-1999 season, she wrote program booklets for concerts On Saturday mornings (Subotom pre podne) in the City Assembly.

She is the author of the units covering the history of Serbian music and musical institutions in Serbia in the encyclopedia Music (Muzika) (Mladinska knjiga, 2015).

She is the author of the book The Applied History of Music (Primenjena istorija muzike) (University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Faculty of Contemporary Arts, 2023).

She has been the author of numerous reviews and forewords for books in the field of music. She has written texts for the following CD program booklets: Serbian music for piano (Srpska muzika za klavir) (The Circle of Serbian Sisters, 2008); Women’s Letter (Žensko pismo) (Association of Composers of Serbia, 2013); Serbian music for the guitar (Srpska muzika za gitaru) (GAF, 2015), Serbian royal music of the Karađorđević dynasty (Srpska kraljevska muzika dinastije Karađorđević) (Metropolis, 2017). She has written reviews for CD labels: Music of Time (Muzika vemena) (Jugovideo, 2007).

She has collaborated with magazines such as: Novi zvuk, Standard, Zadužbina, Buktinja, Mokranjac, Žrnov.

She was the moderator of various public presentations in the field of music and culture in general.

She has been the master of ceremonies at various concerts and festival conferences.

She has spoken at promotions of numerous books in the field of music and media.

She was engaged as a moderator of introductory lectures preceding concerts of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra – Kolarac Concert Hall (seasons 2007/2009, 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011).

She was a member of the board of directors of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra as the vice president (2017-2021).

She was the author of projects: Serbian music for piano (Srpska muzika za klavir) (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009), Belgrade’s search for the beautiful in the music of the 19th century (Beogradsko traganje za lepim u muzici 19. veka) (2009), Singing over the cross (Pevanje nad krstom) (2009).

She works on applied music in the field of theater and film.

She is the creative team leader, editor and presenter of the project Radio Belgrade at festivals (RTS).

She is a member of the ERASMUS DEMUSIS project team for Radio-Belgrade (2022-2022).
She is a member of the project team B-AIR PROJECT – EUROPEAN EVENING OF SOUND (RTS Radio Belgrade, 2018-2023).

She has been a member of the Musicological Society of Serbia since 2006, the Association of Composers of Serbia – Section of Music Writers since 2009, NUNS since 2009 and the International Association for Music and Medicine) (IAMM) since 2023.

She has collaborated with prominent domestic festivals; she has worked as an expert associate of the International Choral Festival in Niš (2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016). She was a music critic of the Yugoslav Choral Festival in Niš (1996, 1998, 2000, 2002) and an expert associate of the Strings festival in Leskovac (2018, 2019). She was a member of the jury at the following festivals: Children’s Belgrade Spring (Dečje beogradsko proleće) (1998), Golden Mermaid (Zlatna sirena) (Belgrade, 2000, 2001), and DEMUS (Belgrade, 2014, 2015).

She has been actively cooperating with the RTS Music Production since 2005.

• She is the author of the book The RTS Children’s Choir (1947-2012) – a Challenge that Feeds Inspiration” (Dečji hor RTS (1947-2012) – Izazov koji hrani nadahnuće) (RTS, 2013), a monography about one of the ensembles of the Musical Production;
• In the 2005/2006 season, and from 2021 until today, she has been writing texts for program booklets (brochures) for concerts of the Music Production of the Radio Television of Serbia;
• She was a member of the jury at the competition Young and Successful (Mladi i uspešni);
• From 2005 until today, she has hosted numerous concerts of the RTS Symphony Orchestra, the RTS Choir, the RTS Big Band, the RTS Children’s Choir, the RTS Folk Orchestra and the RTS Folk Ensemble;
• She has written scripts for the master of ceremonies for concerts of the RTS Symphony Orchestra, the RTS Choir, the RTS Big Band, the RTS Children’s Choir, the RTS National Orchestra and the RTS Folk Ensemble;
• She has hosted various RTS Music Production promotional projects (the CD edition of The Legend of Ohrid, the promotion of new seasons, concerts, etc.);
• She has written numerous texts for the CD editions of the Music Production ensembles;
• She is the editor of the CD editions of the Music Production ensembles.

Some of the significant domestic awards for her overall work are:

Honorable Mention of The Days of Mokranjac festival (2011);
David’s Letter of The Serbian Crown, of the cultural and historic center in Kragujevac, for permanent contribution and successful creativity in musical art (2012);
Acknowledgement of Appreciation from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade for outstanding services and contribution to the faculty (2012);
Acknowledgement of Appreciation of the Second Serbian Solo Song (Srpska solo pesma) competition, Mladenovac, for the media support of the competition; great contribution to the promotion of the Serbian artistic solo song and contribution to the achievement of the artistic goals of the competition (2012);
Classical Music (2013) in the Book of the Year category for the book Children’s Choir of Radio and Television of Serbia 1947-2012) – A Challenge that Feeds Inspiration;
Master’s Letter of the Serbian Crown, of the cultural and historic center in Kragujevac, for permanent contribution and successful creativity in musical art (2013);
Golden Badge of the International Choral Festival festival (Niš) for the long-term affirmation of artistic music (2016);
Acknowledgement of Appreciation from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade for outstanding services and contribution to the faculty (2016);
Golden Badge of the Cultural and Educational Community for selflessness, dedicated and long-lasting work and creative contribution to the spreading of culture (2017);
Jubilee Charter of the Madlenianum Opera and Theater for long-term cooperation (2019);
Golden Beočug (Zlatni Beočug) of the Cultural and Educational Community for contribution to the culture of Belgrade (2019);
Konstantin Babić award of FEDEMUS for the contribution to the affirmation of children’s music (2019);
The Serbian Krivak (Srpski Krivak), in the field of music, for the contribution to Serbian musicology (2019);
Acknowledgment of Appreciation from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade for outstanding services and contribution to the faculty (2022).